The proposal for the talk “Rust for Linux” for the Linux Kernel Summit led to many interesting discussions.

In this post I collected some of them, but I recommend reading everything from the beginning: [TECH TOPIC] Rust for Linux

PL061 driver in C and Rust - side by side

Using RAII for error paths

From: Roland Dreier

On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 4:51 PM Linus Walleij wrote:

I also repeat my challenge from the mailing list, which is that while I understand that leaf drivers is a convenient place to start doing Rust code, the question is if that is where Rust as a language will pay off. My suggestion is to investigate git logs for the kind of problems that Rust solves best and then introduce Rust where those problems are. I believe that this would make be the Perfect(TM) selling point for the language in the strict hypothetico-deductive sense:

One area I see where Rust could make a big improvement for drivers is in using RAII for error paths. Drivers often have a lot of code like

    if (something())
        return err;

    if (something_else())
        goto undo_something;

    if (a_third_thing())
        goto undo_two_things;

and so on, which is difficult to get right in the first place and even harder to keep correct in the face of changes.

That leads to a lot of bugs in error paths, which maybe affect no one until they become exploitable security bugs, and also means that maintainers get a lot of patches like that need careful review.

“devres” / devm_xxx was an attempt to deal with this in C, but it only solves some cases of this and has not received a lot of adoption (we can argue about the reasons). Better language-level support for ownership / lifetime tied to scope would probably lead to driver code that is better in several dimensions. Even in C++, the RAII idiom is quite nice and I often miss it in kernel code.

Example using “devres” / devm_xxx

From: Linus Walleij

Dmitry in the input subsystem even insist to use it for e.g. powering down and disabling regulators on remove(), like recently in drivers/input/touchscreen/cy8ctma140.c

/* Called from the registered devm action */
static void cy8ctma140_power_off_action(void *d)
        struct cy8ctma140 *ts = d;

error = devm_add_action_or_reset(dev, cy8ctma140_power_off_action, ts);
if (error) {
        dev_err(dev, "failed to install power off handler\n");
        return error;

I think it’s a formidable success, people just need to learn to do it more.

devm_k*alloc() are a nightmare

From: Laurent Pinchart

devres is interesting and has good use cases, but the devm_k*alloc() are a nightmare. They’re used through drivers without any consideration of life time management of the allocated memory, to allocate data structures that can be accessed in userspace-controlled code paths. Open a device node, keep it open, unplug the device, close the device node, and in many cases you’ll find that the kernel can crash :-( When the first line of the probe function of a driver that exposes a chardev if a devm_kzalloc(), it’s usually a sign that something is wrong.

I wonder if we could also benefit from the gcc cleanup attribute ( I don’t know if it’s supported by the other compilers we care about though.

Multiple References challenges in C

From: Greg KH

This is going to be the “interesting” part of the rust work, where it has to figure out how to map the reference counted objects that we currently have in the driver model across to rust-controlled objects and keep everything in sync properly.

For the normal code, the fact that the memory was assigned to one specific object (the struct device) but yet referenced from another object (the cdev). devm_* users like this do not seem to realize there are two separate object lifecycles happening here as the interactions are subtle at times.

I am looking forward to how the rust implementation is going to handle all of this as I have no idea.

Rust Rc<T> prevents UB and data races

From: Miguel Ojeda

Even if you are using Rc<T>, Rust buys you a lot. For starters, it still prevents UB and data races – e.g. it prevents mistakenly sharing the Rc with other threads.

Rust Rc vs Arc

From: Miguel Ojeda

Yes, Rc is a type meant for single-threaded reference-counting scenarios. For multi-threaded scenarios, Rust provides Arc instead. It still guarantees no UB and no data races.

This is actually a good example of another benefit. Rc is there because there is a performance advantage when you do not need to share it among threads (you do not need to use atomics) – and Rust checks you do not do so. In C, you can still have an Rc, but you would not have a compile-time guarantee that it is not shared. So in C you may decide to avoid your single-threaded Rc and use Arc “just in case” – and, in fact, this is the only one C++ has (std::shared_ptr), and even then, it does not statically prevent UB.

From: Wedson Almeida Filho

For cases when you want to hold on to something without incrementing its refcount, the common pattern in Rust is to use “weak” pointers. Ref<T> doesn’t support them because we haven’t needed them yet and they have extra cost. (Arc<T> supports them though.)

Safety of Rust Ref<T> drop

From: Wedson Almeida Filho

On Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 05:44:41PM +0200, Greg KH wrote:

On Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 05:15:01PM +0200, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
For instance, we have a Ref type that is similar to Arc but reuses the refcount_t from C and introduces saturation instead of aborting [3]


This is interesting code in that I think you are missing the part where you still need a lock on the object to prevent one thread from grabbing a reference while another one is dropping the last reference. Or am I missing something?

You are missing something :)

The code here:

    fn drop(&mut self) {
         // SAFETY: By the type invariant, there is necessarily a reference to the object. We cannot
         // touch `refcount` after it's decremented to a non-zero value because another thread/CPU
         // may concurrently decrement it to zero and free it. It is ok to have a raw pointer to
         // freed/invalid memory as long as it is never dereferenced.
         let refcount = unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }.refcount.get();
         // INVARIANT: If the refcount reaches zero, there are no other instances of `Ref`, and
         // this instance is being dropped, so the broken invariant is not observable.
         // SAFETY: Also by the type invariant, we are allowed to decrement the refcount.
         let is_zero = unsafe { rust_helper_refcount_dec_and_test(refcount) };
         if is_zero {
             // The count reached zero, we must free the memory.
             // SAFETY: The pointer was initialised from the result of `Box::leak`.
             unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()) };

Has a lot of interesting comments, and maybe just because I know nothing about Rust, but why on the first line of the comment is there always guaranteed a reference to the object at this point in time?

It’s an invariant of the Ref<T> type: if a Ref<T> exists, there necessarily is a non-zero reference count. You cannot have a Ref<T> with a zero refcount.

drop is called when a Ref<T> is about to be destroyed. Since it is about to be destroyed, it still exists, therefore the ref-count is necessarily non-zero.

And yes it’s ok to have a pointer to memory that is not dereferenced, but is that what is happening here?

refcount is a raw pointer. When it is declared and initialised, it points to valid memory. The comment is saying that we should be careful with the case where another thread ends up freeing the object (after this thread has decremented its share of the count); and that we’re not violating any Rust aliasing rules by having this raw pointer (as long as we don’t dereference it).

I feel you are trying to duplicate the logic of a “struct kref” here,

struct kref would give us the ability to specify a release function when calling refcount_dec_and_test, but we don’t need this round-trip to C code because we know at compile-time what the release function is: it’s the drop implementation for the wrapped type (T in Ref<T>).

and that requires a lock to work properly. Where is the lock here?

We don’t need a lock. Once the refcount reaches zero, we know that nothing else has pointers to the memory block; the lifetime rules guarantee that if there is a reference to a Ref<T>, then it cannot outlive the Ref<T> itself. To produce a new Ref<T> from an existing one, clone is called, which increments the refcount.

Rust aliasing and lifetime rules

From: Wedson Almeida Filho

What enforces that? Where is the lock on the “back end” for Ref<T> that one CPU from grabbing a reference at the same time the “last” reference is dropped on a different CPU?

There is no lock. I think you might be conflating kobject concepts with general reference counting.

The enforcement is done at compile time by the Rust aliasing and lifetime rules: the owner of a piece of memory has exclusive access to it, except when it is borrowed. When it is borrowed, the borrow must not outlive the memory being borrowed.

Unsafe code may break these rules, but if it exposes a safe interface (which Ref does), then this interface must obey these rules.

Here’s a simple example. Suppose we have a struct like:

struct X {
    a: u64,
    b: u64,

And we want to create a reference-counted instance of it, we would write:

  let ptr = Ref::new(X { a: 10, b: 20 });

(Note that we don’t need to embed anything in the struct, we just wrap it with the Ref type. In this case, the type of ptr is Ref<X> which is a ref-counted instance of X.)

At this point we can agree that there are no other pointers to this. So if we ptr went out of scope, the refcount would drop to zero and the memory would be freed.

Now suppose I want to call some function that takes a reference to X (a const pointer to X in C parlance), say:

fn testfunc(ptr_ref: &X) {

This reference has a lifetime associated with it. The compiler won’t allow implementations where using ptr_ref would outlive the original ptr, for example if it escapes testfunc (for example, to another thread) but doesn’t “come back” before the end of the function (for example, if testfunc “joined” the thread). Here’s a trivial example with scopes to demonstrate the sort of compiler error we’d get:

fn main() {
    let ptr_ref;
        let ptr = Ref::new(X { a: 10, b: 20 });
        ptr_ref = &ptr;
    println!("{}", ptr_ref.a);

Compiling this results in the following error:

error[E0597]: `ptr` does not live long enough
  --> src/
12 |         ptr_ref = &ptr;
   |                   ^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
13 |     }
   |     - `ptr` dropped here while still borrowed
14 |     println!("{}", ptr_ref.a);
   |                    ------- borrow later used here

Following these rules, the compiler guarantees that if a thread or CPU somehow has access to a reference to a Ref<T>, then it must be backed by a real Ref<T> somewhere: a borrowed value must never outlive what it’s borrowing. So incrementing the refcount is necessarily from n to n+1 where n > 0 because the existing reference guarantees that n > 0.

There are real cases when you can’t guarantee that lifetimes line up as required by the compiler to guarantee safety. In such cases, you can “clone” ptr (which increments the refcount, again from n to n+1, where n > 0), then you end up with your own reference to the underlying X, for example:

fn main() {
    let ptr_clone;
        let ptr = Ref::new(X { a: 10, b: 20 });
        ptr_clone = ptr.clone();
    println!("{}", ptr_clone.a);

(Note that the reference owned by ptr has been destroyed by the time ptr_clone.a is used in println, but ptr_clone has its own reference due to the clone call.)

The ideas above apply equally well if instead of thinking in terms of scope, you think in terms of threads/CPUs. If a thread needs a refcounted object to potentially outlive the borrow keeping it alive, then it needs to increment the refcount: if you can’t prove the lifetime rules, then you must clone the reference.

Given that by construction the refcount starts at 1, there is no path to go from 0 to 1. Ever.

Does Rust provide “architecture-specific” locks like this somehow that are “built in”? If so, what happens when we need to fix those locks? Does that get fixed in the compiler, not the kernel code?

There are no magic locks implemented by the compiler.

Even with multiple CPUs? What enforces these lifetime rules?

The compiler does, at compile-time. Each lifetime usage is a constraint that must be satisfied by the compiler; once all constraints are gathered for a given function, the compiler tries to solve them, if it can find a solution, then the code is accepted; if it can’t find a solution, the code is rejected. Note that this means that some correct code may be rejected the compiler by design: it is conservative in that it only accepts what it can prove is correct.

Rust Weak References

From: Wedson Almeida Filho

So I think Greg speaks about a situation where you have multiple threads and the refcounted object can be looked up through some structure all the threads see. And the problem is that the shared data structure cannot hold ref to the object it points to because you want to detect the situation where the data structure is the only place pointing to the object and reclaim the object in that case. Currently I don’t see how to model this idiom with Rust refs.

The normal idiom in Rust for this is “weak” pointers. With it, each reference-counted object has two counts: strong and weak refs. Objects are “destroyed” when the strong count goes to zero and “freed” when the weak count goes to zero.

Weak references need to upgraded to strong references before the underlying objects can be accessed; upgrading may fail if the strong count has gone to zero. It is, naturally, implemented as an increment that avoids going from 0 to 1. It is safe to try to do it because the memory is kept alive while there are weak references.

For the case you mention, the list would be based on weak references. If the object’s destructor also removes the object from the list, both counts will go to zero and the object will be freed as well. (If it fails to do so, the memory will linger allocated until someone removes the object from the list, but all attempts to upgrade the weak reference to a strong one will fail.)

The obvious cost is that we need an extra 32-bit number per reference-counted allocation. But if we have specialized cases, like the underlying object always being in some data structure until the ref count goes to zero, then we can build a zero-cost abstraction for such a scenario.

We can also build specialised zero-cost abstractions for the case when we want to avoid the 1 -> 0 transition unless we’re holding some lock to prevent others observing the object-with-zero-ref. For this I’d have to spend more time to see if we can do safely (i.e., with compile-time guarantees that the object was actually removed from the data structure).

Rust lifetimes, aliasing rules, sync & send traits

From: Wedson Almeida Filho

Thanks for the detailed explainations, it seems rust can “get away” with some things with regards to reference counts that the kernel can not. Userspace has it easy, but note that now that rust is not in userspace, dealing with multiple cpus/threads is going to be interesting for the language.

So, along those lines, how are you going to tie rust’s reference count logic in with the kernel’s reference count logic? How are you going to handle dentries, inodes, kobjects, devices and the like? That’s the real question that I don’t seem to see anyone even starting to answer just yet.

None of what I described before is specific to userspace, but I understand your need to see something more concrete.

I’ll describe what we’ve done for task_struct and how lifetimes, aliasing rules, sync & send traits help us achieve zero cost (when compared to C) but also gives us safety. The intention here is to show that similar things can (and will) be done to other kernel reference-counted objects when we get to them.

So we begin with current. It gives us access to the current task without incurring any increments or decrements of the refcount; in Rust, we’d do the following:

  let current = Task::current();

We can use it for however long we’d like as long as it’s in the same task. But how do we restrict that? Rust has this Send trait that tells it that a type can be used by another thread/CPU; current’s type doesn’t isn’t Send, so attempting to send it another thread fails. For example, if we tried this:


We’d get the following compiler error:

195 | fn send_to_thread<T: Send>(t: T) {
    |                      ---- required by this bound in `send_to_thread`
201 |     send_to_thread(current);
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `*mut ()` cannot be sent between threads safely
    = help: within `TaskRef<'_>`, the trait `Send` is not implemented for `*mut ()`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `(&(), *mut ())`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `PhantomData<(&(), *mut ())>`
note: required because it appears within the type `TaskRef<'_>`

One option we do have is to send a “reference” to current to another thread. This works and is zero-cost. It is safe because the lifetime of the reference is tied to that of current. (And current’s type is Sync, which means that a reference to it is safely shareable with another thread/CPU.)

So calling:


Works fine. But its implementation must convince the compiler that by the time it returns the sharing with another thread is over. Otherwise it would be a violation of lifetime requirements (a borrow cannot outlive the borrowed value) and compilation would fail.

Now, similarly to my example in another email, if you really want the task to outlive current, then you can call clone. This results in get_task_struct being called, so now we can send it another thread that can hold on to it and this is all safe. For example:

    let current = Task::current();
    let task = current.clone();

Now, the other task owns the reference, so we’re not supposed to use task at all (suppose for a moment that it’s some arbitrary task, not current). In C, given that there is no ownership discipline enforced by the compiler, one could easily make the mistake of using task (which is unsafe because the other thread/CPU may have decremented its refcount and freed it by now). In Rust, an attempt to use task would fail; for example:

    let current = Task::current();
    let task = Task::current().clone();
    pr_info!("Pid is {}",;

Would result in the following compilation error:

error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `task`
   --> rust/kernel/
201 |     let task = Task::current().clone();
    |         ---- move occurs because `task` has type `Task`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
202 |     send_to_thread(task);
    |                    ---- value moved here
203 |     pr_info!("Pid is {}",;
    |                           ^^^^ value borrowed here after move

(Note that task is inaccessible despite still being in scope.)

Another common mistake is to leak references by forgetting to call put_task_struct. Rust helps prevent this by automatically calling it when needed, including error paths. Suppose we have a function that allocates some struct that includes a task field, for example:

struct X {
    task: Task,
    a: u64,
    b: u64,

fn alloc_X(task: Task) -> Result<Box<X>> {
    Box::try_new(X {
        task: task,
        a: 10,
        b: 20

Here, if the function fails (e.g., the allocation in try_new fails), the task refcount is automatically decremented when the function returns. If it succeeds, ownership is transferred to the new instance of X, and the refcount will be decremented automatically when this instance of X is eventually freed.

Another example that shows lifetimes clearly is that of group_leader. Given a task, its group leader can be accessed with zero-cost but this access is subjected to lifetime requirements. For example:

    let task = get_some_task();
    let leader = task.group_leader();
    pr_info!("Pid is {}",;

Works with zero cost (i.e., no extra inc/ref of the group leader). But the following:

    let leader;
        let task = get_some_task();
        leader = task.group_leader();
    pr_info!("Pid is {}",;

Fails with the following error:

error[E0597]: `task` does not live long enough
   --> rust/kernel/
209 |         leader = task.group_leader();
    |                  ^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
210 |     }
    |     - `task` dropped here while still borrowed
211 |     pr_info!("Pid is {}",;
    |                           ------ borrow later used here

Because task’s refcount is decremented at the end of the scope.

virtio device

From: Andy Lutomirski

I would suggest a virtio device. The core virtio guest code is horribly unsafe, and various stakeholders keep trying to make it slightly less unsafe. A Rust implementation of the entire virtio ring (or at least the modern bits) and of some concrete device (virtio-blk?) would be quite nice.

I think that, at least for an initial implementation, erroring out in the !use_dma case would be fine. The !use_dma virtio variant is, in my opinion, a historical error and does not really deserve to survive going forward. The powerpc people may beg to differ. Any port of the !use_dma variant to Rust (or anything that safely manages device memory) will quickly notice that the resulting use of device memory is nonsense and ought not to compile without unsafe annotations in various places. And those unsafe annotations may well deserve comments like /* yes, this is indeed wrong.*/.

Fortunately, at least on non-powerpc, you can easily boot a system in the sane use_dma mode. Virtme will do this for you with minimal effort.

From: Andy Lutomirski

Another deviation from real hardware drivers? ;-) How many kernel maintainers have experience with writing a virtio driver?

Me? Definitely more than zero :)

What is wrong with something driving real hardware?

Nothing! But with virt hardware, anyone can test it.

That being said, the virtio case has real use cases from the secure virt folks. A Linux guest in a VM host that has untrusted virtio host devices (TDX, SEV, various Xen or userspace host device driver implementations, etc) wants to avoid being compromised by a misbehaving virtio device.

PL061 driver in Rust

From: Wedson Almeida Filho

Code in C and Rust - side by side

Here is a working PL061 driver in Rust (converted form the C one):

(I tested it on QEMU through the sysfs interface and also gpio-keys as QEMU uses one of the PL061 pins as the power button.)

I have a long list of ways in which Rust affords us extra guarantees but in the interest of brevity I will try to describe how Rust helps us address the two (or more) lifetime issues Greg mentioned the other day.

Rust allows us to build abstractions that guarantee safety. Here are the ones I used/built for this:

  1. State created on probe is ref-counted.
  2. Hardware resources (device mem and irq in this case) are “revocable”.
  3. On remove, we automatically revoke access to hardware resources, then free them.

What this gives us:

  1. With ref-counted objects Rust allows us to avoid dangling pointers. No more UAF because memory was freed when the device was removed. (C can also do this, of course, but the compiler doesn’t help us if/when we forget to increment/decrement the ref count.)
  2. Given that references to device state may outlive the device, revocable hw resources allows us to prevent the use of these resources after the device is gone. Rust ensures that such access is only allowed before resources are revoked. (In C we can also do something similar, but the compiler won’t enforce this invariant for us, i.e., we can make mistakes where we forget to check if something was revoked, or forget to hold locks keeping resources alive, etc.)
  3. After revoking access, we need to ensure that existing concurrent users finish before we can free resources. In this implementation, we use RCU so that resource users need to hold an RCU read lock and we ensure that they’ve also completed their use before freeing the resources (synchronize_rcu between revoking & freeing). Locking/unlocking happens automatically.

This, naturally, doesn’t solve any problems with the existing C code. However, I think it addresses things on the Rust side. For example, suppose that in addition to registering with gpio, we also wanted to expose the device as a miscdev (I use this as an example because we have miscdevs in Rust). The refcounted device state can be stored in the miscdev registration, and each opened file can also have a reference to it (device state). We don’t control when the latter gets released, but it’s ok for them to hold on to state because they won’t be able to use hw resources after the device is removed; once all file descriptors are closed, the refcount goes to zero and the memory is freed.

Rust for loop

From: Miguel Ojeda

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 4:43 PM Geert Uytterhoeven <> wrote:

Turns out “a..b” in Rust does mean “range from a to b-1”. That’s gonna be hard to (un)learn…

It may help to think about it as the usual for loop in C, typically written with < and the “size” (instead of <= and the “size - 1”), i.e.:

    for i in 0..N
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)

From: Steven Rostedt

Or think of it as the python range() function, but not as a git log, where

git log sha1..sha2

is a list of commits from sha1 + 1 through to sha2 inclusive :-p

Standard Rust Style

From: Miguel Ojeda

As Linus said, it is a way to easily differentiate what is what, instead of using a prefix or suffix:

  • Types (and similar) are in CamelCase.
  • Functions (and similar) are in snake_case.
  • Statics/consts are in SCREAMING_CASE.


Rust Conditional Compilation

From: Miguel Ojeda

We support conditional compilation with the kernel configuration, e.g.:

    #[cfg(CONFIG_X)]      // `CONFIG_X` is enabled (`y` or `m`)
    #[cfg(CONFIG_X="y")]  // `CONFIG_X` is enabled as a built-in (`y`)
    #[cfg(CONFIG_X="m")]  // `CONFIG_X` is enabled as a module   (`m`)
    #[cfg(not(CONFIG_X))] // `CONFIG_X` is disabled

One can use it, like in C, to fully remove any item as a user, to make an implementation a noop (so that callers do not need to care), etc.

How to model APIs between drivers and subsystems

From: Laurent Pinchart

  • Attempts to access hardware resources freed during remove must be prevented, that’s where the calls to resources() are relevant – if a subsystem calls into the driver with one of the references it held on to, they won’t be able to access the (already released) hw resources.

That’s where our opinions differ. Yes, those accesses must be prevented, but I don’t think the right way to do so is to check if the I/O memory resource is still valid. We should instead prevent reaching driver code paths that make those I/O accesses, by waiting for all calls in progress to return, and preventing new calls from being made. This is a more generic solution in the sense that it doesn’t prevent accessing I/O memory only, but avoids any operation that is not supposed to take place. My reasoning is that drivers will be written with the assumption that, for instance, nobody will try to set the GPIO direction once .remove() returns. Even if the direction_output() function correctly checks if the I/O memory is available and returns an error if it isn’t, it may also contain other logic that will not work correctly after .remove() as the developer will not have considered that case. This uncorrect logic may or may not lead to bugs, and some categories of bugs may be prevented by rust (such as accessing I/O memory after .remove()), but I don’t think that’s relevant. The subsystem, with minimal help from the driver’s implementation of the .remove() function if necessary, should prevent operations from being called when they shouldn’t, and especially when the driver’s author will not expect them to be called. That way we’ll address whole classes of issues in one go. And if we do so, checking if I/O memory access has been revoked isn’t required anymore, as we guarantee if isn’t.

True, this won’t prevent I/O memory from being accessed after .remove() in other contexts, for instance in a timer handler that the driver would have registered and forgotten to cancel in .remove(). And maybe the I/O memory revoking mechanism runtime overhead may be a reasonable price to pay for avoiding this, I don’t know. I however believe that regardless of whether I/O memory is revoked or not, implementing a mechanism in the subsytem to avoid erroneous conditions from happening in the first place is where we’ll get the largest benefit with a (hopefully) reasonable effort.

We have this problem specifically in gpio: as Linus explained, they created an indirection via a pointer which is checked in most entry points, but there is no synchronisation that guarantees that the pointer will remain valid during a call, and nothing forces uses of the pointer to be checked (so as Linus points out, they may need more checks).

For Rust drivers, if the registration with other subsystems were done by doing references to driver data in Rust, this extra “protection” (that has race conditions that, timed correctly, lead to use-after-free vulnerabilities) would be obviated; all would be handled safely on the Rust side (e.g., all accesses must be checked, there is no way to get to resources without a check, and use of the resources is guarded by a guard that uses RCU read-side lock).

Do you still think we don’t have a problem?

We do have a problem, we just try to address it in different ways. And of course mine is better, and I don’t expect you to agree with this statement right away ;-) Jokes aside, this has little to do with C vs. rust in this case though, it’s about how to model APIs between drivers and subsystems.

From: Andy Lutomirski

Preventing functions from being called, when those functions are scattered all over the place (sysfs, etc) may be hard. Preventing access to a resource seems much more tractable. That being said, preventing access to the I/O resource in particular seems a bit odd to me. It’s really the whole device that’s gone after it has been removed. So maybe the whole device (for some reasonable definition of “whole device”) could get revoked?

From: Laurent Pinchart

I agree that we should view this from a resource point of view, or perhaps an object point of view, instead of looking at individual functions. A GPIO driver creates GPIO controllers, which are objects that expose an API to consumers. In most cases, it’s the whole API that shouldn’t be called after .remove(), not individual functions (there are a few exceptions, for instead the .release() file operation for objects exposed through userspace as a cdev may need to reach the object). What I’d like to see is the subsystem blocking this, instead of having individual drivers tasked with correctly handling API calls from consumers after .remove(). The correctness of the latter may be less difficult to achieve and even guarantee with rust, but that’s solving a problem that shouldn’t exist in the first place.

Rust Compilation Model

From: Miguel Ojeda

In any case, please note that the compilation model is different in Rust than in C. In Rust, the translation unit is not each .rs file, but the “crate” (i.e. a set of .rs files that are found by the compiler given a .rs entry point file), there are no header files, etc. Thus some differences apply. For instance, currently having everything in the same “crate” means the compiler can see everything even without LTO.

Rust Endianess

From: Miguel Ojeda

Can you express endianness here as well? There are often cases where the hardware is always big endian independent of the CPU endianness. Some of the readl/writel macros handle this, adding a swap when the two don’t match.

Yes, of course!

Querying the endianness can be done as usual, similar to the C preprocessor:

    pub fn f(n: i32) -> i32 {
        #[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
        return n + 42;

        #[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
        return n;

As well as with the cfg! macro, more ergonomic for small things like this:

    pub fn f(n: i32) -> i32 {
        if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
            n + 42
        } else {

As well in macros (like the memory_map! shown above).

If you just need the most common case, i.e. converting from/to a given endianness, the primitive types come with functions for that, e.g. the following would include a bswap in x86:

    pub fn f(n: i32) -> i32 {

See {from,to}_{be,le} in

virtio backend for I2C in Rust

From: Viresh Kumar

Just so everyone is aware of our work with Rust, we (at Linaro’s Project Stratos [1] initiative) are looking to write Hypervisor agnostic low-level virtio based vhost-user backends, which can be used to process low-level (like I2C, GPIO, RPMB, etc) requests from guests running on VMs to the host having access to the real hardware.

We are still working on getting the virtio GPIO spec merged, but the I2C stuff has progressed well. Here is the virtio backend I have written for I2C in Rust:

It is under review [2] currently to get merged in rust-vmm project.


Pattern Matching

From: Andy Lutomirski

What if I would ignore that? I.e.

let Some(content) = strong; println!(“{}”, content);


That won’t compile. Pattern matching like this is fundamentally a conditional operation. In Rust, or in pretty much any language with proper “sum types” if you try to “destructure” something (the value ‘strong’ here) and there’s a possibility that the pattern doesn’t match, then the compiler will require that you have some sort of appropriate condition.

Personally, for some types of programming, I find sum types by themselves to be an even bigger win than Rust-style safety. C has unions, which are painful to use. Python has various hacks that are unpleasant. C++ likes to pretend that std::variant is decent, but it’s really quite moderate. Rust, Haskell, etc all have very nice sum types.

As the most basic example, C often uses a null pointer to mean “nothing here”, but you’re on your own to remember not to reference a null pointer. In Rust a reference can’t be null, and Option can be used to mean “maybe something here, maybe not”. You can’t even attempt to dereference the pointer without checking if it’s present.

For a more interesting example, a pointer to a page table entry could be arranged to be a union of:

Empty: nothing there, but still has several bits of usable data NextTable: a pointer to the next level of page tables Page: a pointer to the physical address of the data along with access rights and such

And one could manipulate page tables with no fear of forgetting about the existence of huge pages — if you try to write code that misinterprets a huge page (Page) as a pointer to the next table down (NextLevel), the language won’t let you.

Modules vs Devices Lifespans

From: Greg KH

module code lifespans are different than device structure lifespans, it’s when people get them confused, as here, that we have problems.

I’m not claiming they are. What I am claiming is that module lifetime must always encompass the device lifetimes. Therefore, you can never be incorrect by using a module lifetime for anything attached to a device, just inefficient for using memory longer than potentially needed. However, in a lot of use cases, the device is created on module init and destroyed on module exit, so the inefficiency is barely noticeable.

In almost no use case is the device created on module init of a driver. devices are created by busses, look at the USB code as an example. The usb bus creates the devices and then individual modules bind to that device as needed. If the device is removed from the system, wonderful, the device is unbound, but the module is still loaded. So if you really wanted to, with your change, just do a insert/remove of a USB device a few zillion times and then memory is all gone :(

The question I’m asking is shouldn’t we optimize for this?


so let people allocate devm memory safe in the knowledge it will be freed on module release?

No, see above. Modules are never removed in a normal system. devices are.

And the drm developers have done great work in unwinding some of these types of mistakes in their drivers, let’s not go backwards please.

Improving the Driver Writing Experience

From: Laurent Pinchart

I’ve given this lots of thoughts lately, in the context of V4L2, but it should be roughly the same for character devices in general. Here’s what I think should be done for drivers that expose character devices.

  • Drivers must stop allocating their internal data structure (the one they set as device data with dev_set_drvdata()) with devm_kzalloc(). The data structure must instead be allocated with a plain kzalloc() and reference-counted.

    Most drivers will register a single character device using a subsystem-specific API (e.g. video_register_device() in V4L2). The subsystem needs to provide a .release() callback, called when the last reference to the character device is released. Drivers must implement this, and can simply free their internal data structure at this point.

    For drivers that register multiple character devices, or in general expose multiple interfaces to userspace or other parts of the kernel, the internal data structure must be properly reference-counted, with a reference released in each .release() callback. There may be ways to simplify this.

    This can be seen as going back to the pre-devm_kzalloc() era, but it’s only about undoing a mistake that was done way too often (to be fair, many drivers used to just kfree() the data in the driver’s .remove() operation, so it wasn’t always a regression, only enshrining a preexisting bad practice).

    This is only part of the puzzle though. There’s a remove/use race that still needs to be solved.

  • In .remove(), drivers must inform the character device that new access from userspace are not allowed anymore. This would set a flag in struct cdev that would result in all new calls from userspace through file operations to be rejected (with -ENXIO for instance). This should be wrapped in subsystem-specific functions (e.g. video_device_disconnect() wrapping cdev_disconnect()). From now on, no new calls are possible, but existing calls may be in progress.

  • Drivers then need to cancel all pending I/O and wait for completion. I/O (either direct memory-mapped I/O or through bus APIs, such as I2C or USB transactions) are not allowed anymore after .remove() returns. This will have the side effect of waking up userspace contexts that are waiting for I/O completion (through a blocking file I/O operation for instance). Existing calls from userspace will start completing.

    This is also a good place to start shutting down the device, for instance disabling interrupts.

  • The next step is for drivers to wait until all calls from userspace complete. This should be done with a call count in struct cdev that is updated upon entry and exit of calls from userspace, and a wait queue to wait for that count to go to 0. This should be wrapped in subsystem-specific APIs. As the flag that indicates device removal is set, no new calls are allowed so the counter can only decrease, and as all pending I/O have terminated or have been cancelled, no pending calls should be blocked.

  • Finally, drivers should unregister the character device, through the appropriate subsystem API.

    At this point, memory mappings and file handles referencing the device may still exist, but no file operation is in progress. The device is quiescent.

    Care needs to be taken in drivers and subsystems to not start any I/O operation when handling the file .release() operation or the destruction of memory mappings. Overall I don’t expect much issues, but I’m sure some drivers do strange things in those code paths.

  • When the least memory mapping is gone and the last file handle is closed, the subsystem will call the driver’s .release() callback. At this point, the driver will perform the operations listed in the first item of this list.

The challenge here will be to make this as easy as possible for drivers, to avoid risk of drivers getting it wrong. The DRM/KMS subsystem has created a devres-based system to handle this, with the devres associated with the drm_device (the abstraction of the cdevs exposed by DRM to userspace), not the physical device. It has a drawback though, it assumes that a DRM driver will only ever want to register a drm_device and nothing else, and hardcodes that assumption in the way it releases resources. That’s fine for most DRM drivers, but if a driver was to register a drm_device and something else (such as a V4L2 video_device, an input device, …), the DRM subsystem will get in the way.

I have two questions:

  • Does the above make sense ?
  • Assuming it does, how do we get from the current mess to a situation where writing a driver will be a pleasure, not a punishment ? :-)

From: Greg KH

  • Assuming it does, how do we get from the current mess to a situation where writing a driver will be a pleasure, not a punishment ? :-)

That’s the real question. Thanks to a lot of cleanups that Christoph has recently done to the lower-level cdev code, the lower levels are now in a shape where we can work on them better. I’m going to try to carve out some time in the next few months to start to work on these things. I think that once we get the ideas of what needs to be done, and a working core change, I can unleash some interns on doing tree-wide cleanups/changes to help bring everything into alignment.

From: Mauro Carvalho

Good point. Yeah, indeed some work seems to be required on that area.

Yet, V4L2 is somewhat different here, as most (if not all) devices expose multiple cdevs.

Also, in the case of V4L2 USB and PCI devices, their “dev->parent” is usually a PCI bridge, or an USB device with multiple functions on it, as those hardware contain both audio and video and sometimes input (either buttons or remote controllers), typically using different drivers. So, when the hardware is hot-unplugged or unbind, several drivers and multiple cdevs will be released. Ensuring that those will happen at the right time can be a challenge, specially if there are pending syscalls and/or threads by the time the device is unbound.

The DRM subsystem likely fits on the same case, as drivers also usually create multiple cdevs, and there are DMABUF objects shared between different struct devices.

So, yeah, using devm_* for V4L2 and DRM can indeed bring troubles. I can’t see a solution there currently but to avoid using devm*, handling it using an approach similar to the one you described.


I’m not so sure if using devm_* is a problem on several cases, though. I mean, when the hardware is not hot-pluggable, the data lifetime is a lot simpler.

So, for instance, a regulator driver probably can use devm_* without any issues, as it doesn’t seem to make much sense to unbind a regulator once the device was probed. On drivers like that, not using devm_* would just make the probing part of the driver more complex, without bringing any real benefit.

From: Andy Lutomirski

Don’t forget that regulators, GPIO controllers and other such core resources can be part of unpluggable devices.

It sounds like this type of use might be a good fit for a simple precise garbage collector. This could be arranged in C in a reasonably safe way (with the assistance of sparse, perhaps). Every struct that could contain a GC pointer to a device would have a special attribute, and the whole graph of devices could be walked as needed to collect garbage.

Alternatively, weak references might be a good fit for this, especially if hotplug is involved. If a device gets hot-unplugged without warning, every subsequent attempt to follow a weak reference to that device could be made to fail.

From: Linus Walleij

What we did in GPIO to get around the whole issue is to split our device in two abstractions. The device that spawns a GPIO driver can be a GPIO on any bus (platform, PCI, SPI, I2C, …) then that populates and registers one (or more) gpio_chips. That is a struct that deal with handling the hardware but does not contain any struct device.

When registering gpio_chip we create a struct gpio_device which contains a struct device and a struct cdev (exposed to userspace) and all in-kernel consumer handles (called struct gpio_desc). This is reference counted on the struct device and uses ->release() to eventually clean itself up.

The crucial part is what happens when a device with GPIOs disappears, if e.g. the USB device is unplugged or the driver is rmmod:ed by force from the command line. We then unregister the struct gpio_chip and drop all devm_* resources taken by the driver (referencing the struct dev in the USB device or so) so these go away, but the struct gpio_device stays around until the last reference from userspace is dropped.

In order to not crash calls from the character device the device is “numbed”, so any calls will just return “OK” but nothing happens. We then hope userspace will be so nice to terminate once it realizes that it is no longer needed, closing the chardev and releasing the resources held.

This works for us but I admit it is a bit kludgy. I guess it is not a generally useful practice, we just had to come up with something.

From: Dan Williams

We do something similar in the CXL driver. The driver data is allocated with devm. When ->remove() is triggered the driver data is disconnected from the cdev (because it’s about to be freed by devres) and all future ioctls attempts fail until userspace finally gives up and closes the device-file to release the cdev.

I clumsily attempted to solve this problem in a generic way here:

…Christoph rightly pointed out that this is something debugfs already handles with its file_operations proxy implementation. I’m thinking that concept can be extended for drivers to deploy their ioctl implementation behind a proxy that handles the ioctl shutdown synchronization in the core and not have every driver open code it. See fs/debugfs/file.c::FULL_PROXY_FUNC().

From: Daniel Vetter

Since we’re dropping notes, a few of my thoughts:

  • Personally I think an uapi resource cleanup system needs a different namespace, so that you don’t mix these up. Hence drmm_ vs devres_ for drm, and maybe the generic version could be called uapires or ures or whatever. It needs to stick out.

  • I’m wondering whether we could enlist checkers (maybe a runtime one) to scream anytime we do an unprotected dereference from ures memory to devres memory. This would help in subsystem where this problem is solved by trying to decouple the uapi side from the device side (like gpio and other subsystem with simpler interfaces). We have undefined behaviour and data race checkers already, this should be doable. But I have no idea how :-)

  • Core infrastructure like cdev_disconnect sounds really good. Especially if someone figures out how to punch out mmap without races in a generic way.

  • Many drivers are perfectly ok with their ures on the single cdev they expose, but like Laurent points out, there’s plenty where you need to group them. We need some way to merge ures groups together so a driver can say “only release ures for any of these cdev if all of them are released”. I’m not sure how to do that, but can also be done as an additional later on. Maybe an explicit struct ures_group that complex drivers (or complex subsystems like drm/v4l) can optionally pass to subordinate uapi interfaces like cdev could make this work.

  • Another good reason for a commont struct to manage uapi resources is to that we don’t need a per-subsystem dupe for everything. Once your driver is more than a few lines you need more than just drmm_kzalloc, you might have you own slab, other allocater, a few workqueues, whatever else there is ….

  • Automagic cleanup is great for small drivers, but is hitting a bit a scaling wall for big drivers. The trouble there is the unwind code to quiescent the driver with all it’s kthread, work queues, workers and everything else. That needs to happen in a very careful order (if you flush the work before you disable the interrupt that schedules it, it’s no good) and is an absolute pain to validate. There’s a few reasons why we have barriers here:
  • often the same or similar quiescent code is needed for suspend/resume, so you’re not gaining anything if the module unload is automatic
  • unwind as you create/init it not always the right thing to do, or at least not obviously so, e.g. in i915 we have on interrupt handler, but it’s hiearchical internally, and we arm new subsystems irq sources as we initialize these parts of the driver
  • as soon as you hit something where there’s not yet a devres/uapi wrapper available it gets annoying and giving up is easier :-)

  • the real cool stuff starts to happen if you combine devres with ures, e.g. see devm_drm_dev_alloc(). With that you can achieve drivers with no ->remove callback that actually get all the lifetime right, unfortunately we’re not there yet, we’re missing a devm_drm_dev_register (to call drm_dev_unplug() outmatically on remove) and a devm_drm_atomic_reset (which calls drm_atomic_shutdown on remove) so that for simplest drivers the ->remove hook becomes empty (e.g. hx8357d_remove()). But you really need the ures side fully rolled out first or things just go very wrong on hotunplug :-)

Anyway I’m very much interested in this topic and seeing some kind of solution lifted to core code.

Cheers, Daniel

Why not C++ in the Linux Kernel

From: Bart Van Assche

As a sidenote, I’m surprised that C++ is not supported for Linux kernel code since C++ supports multiple mechanisms that are useful in kernel code, e.g. RAII, lambda functions, range-based for loops, std::span<> and std::string_view<>. Lambda functions combined with std::function<> allow to implement type-safe callbacks. Implementing type-safe callbacks in C without macro trickery is not possible.

From: Linus Torvalds

As a sidenote, I’m surprised that C++ is not supported for Linux kernel code since C++ supports multiple mechanisms [..]

You’d have to get rid of some of the complete garbage from C++ for it to be usable.

One of the trivial ones is “new” - not only is it a horribly stupid namespace violation, but it depends on exception handling that isn’t viable for the kernel, so it’s a namespace violation that has no upsides, only downsides.

Could we fix it with some kind of “-Dnew=New” trickery? Yes, but considering all the other issues, it’s just not worth the pain. C++ is simply not a good language. It doesn’t fix any of the fundamental issues in C (ie no actual safety), and instead it introduces a lot of new problems due to bad designs.

From: Bart Van Assche

Hi Linus,

Thank you for having shared your opinion. You may want to know that every C++ project I have worked on so far enabled at least the following compiler flags: -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti.

What the C++ operator new does if not enough memory is available depends on the implementation of that operator. We could e.g. modify the behavior of operator new as follows:

  • Add -fno-builtin-new to the compiler flags.
  • Define a custom version of operator new.

An example (user space code):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void *operator new(size_t size)
  printf("%s\n", __func__);
  return malloc(size);

void operator delete(void *p)
  printf("%s\n", __func__);

void operator delete(void *p, size_t size)
  printf("%s\n", __func__);

void *operator new[](size_t size)
  printf("%s\n", __func__);
  return malloc(size);

void operator delete[](void *p)
  printf("%s\n", __func__);

void operator delete[](void *p, size_t size)
  printf("%s\n", __func__);

int main(int, char **)
  int *intp = new int;
  long *arrayp = new long[37];
  delete[] arrayp;
  delete intp;
  return 0;

The output of the above code:

operator new
operator new []
operator delete []
operator delete

From: Linus Torvalds

The point is, C++ really has some fundamental problems. Yes, you can work around them, but it doesn’t change the fact that it doesn’t actually fix any of the issues that make C problematic.

For example, do you go as far as to disallow classes because member functions are horrible garbage? Maybe newer versions of C++ fixed it, but it used to be the case that you couldn’t sanely even split a member function into multiple functions to make it easier to read, because every single helper function that worked on that class then had to be declared in the class definition.

Which makes simple things like just re-organizing code to be legible a huge pain.

At the same time, C++ offer no real new type or runtime safety, and makes the problem space just bigger. It forces you to use more casts, which then just make for more problems when it turns out the casts were incorrect and hid the real problem.

So no. We’re not switching to a new language that causes pain and offers no actual upsides.

At least the argument is that Rust fixes some of the C safety issues. C++ would not.

From: Laurent Pinchart

Which makes simple things like just re-organizing code to be legible a huge pain.

At the same time, C++ offer no real new type or runtime safety, and makes the problem space just bigger. It forces you to use more casts, which then just make for more problems when it turns out the casts were incorrect and hid the real problem.

I beg to differ on that one. There are features of C++ that would be very helpful for kernel development. Among them is native support for destructors, which allow implementing RAII idioms. Unique pointers would also be very helpful to explicitly expose object ownership rules (shared pointers are a different story though, it’s very easy to use them incorrectly and infect the whole code base as a result). Templates are another feature that is widely criticized (and often for good reasons), but when seen as a type-safe implementation of macros, they can bring increased safety to the code base.

C++ has upsides and fixes real issues. It also causes pain, and it’s not the only language to provide the above features, so I wouldn’t call for its usage in the kernel. I just wish we had objects with destructors in plain C.

Miguel Ojeda

The issue is that, even if people liked C++ a lot, there is little point in using C++ once Rust is an option.

Even if you discuss “modern C++” (i.e. post-C++11, and even post-C++17), there is really no comparison.

For instance, you mentioned std::span from the very latest C++20 standard; let’s build one:

    std::span<int> f() {
        int a[] = { foo() };
        std::span<int> s(a);
        return s;

Now anybody that accesses the returned std::span has just introduced UB. From a quick test, neither Clang nor GCC warn about it. Even if they end up detecting such a simple case, it is impossible to do so in the general case.

Yes, it is a stupid mistake, we should not do that, and the usual arguments. But the point is UB is still as easy as has always been to introduce in both C and C++. In Rust, that mistake does not happen.

From: Miguel Ojeda

You’re comparing apples and pears though. A C++ function that is meant to transfer unique ownership of an object to the caller should return a std::unique_ptr<> on a container that stores the data. We’re getting

Nope, I am not comparing apples and pears. I just showed you a trivial way to make UB in C++20 with one of the types someone else mentioned.

You mention std::unique_ptr now. Same deal:

    std::unique_ptr<int> f() {
        return {}; // returns a `nullptr`

You will now reply: “oh, but you are not supposed to use it like that!”. But the point is: it is not about the simple examples, it is about the complex cases where objects are alive for a long time, passed across chains of calls, manipulated in several places, across different threads, etc., etc. so that reasoning is non-local.

Don’t get me wrong, std::unique_ptr is nice, and I have used it many times in my career with good results. Still, it is far from what Rust offers.

Another extremely typical example:

    std::vector<int> v;
    int * p =; // looks OK
    v.push_back(42); // looks OK
    f(p); // oh, wait...

off-topic though, this mail thread isn’t about comparing C++ and rust :-)

Well, if people bring up C++ as an alternative to Rust, they are implying Rust does not offer much more than C++. Which is false, misleading, and directly counters the Rust support proposal, thus I feel the need to answer.

Again, don’t get me wrong: while one can definitely see Rust as a “cleaned up” C/C++ (it is, in a way); the key is that it also offers major advantages using a few new research ideas that no other system language had (even SPARK had to catch up [1]). It is not just a sweeter syntax or a few fancy features here and there as many seem to imply in many fora.
